On May 3rd Afriversity Cape Town, together with TSiBA Entrepreneurship Centre hosted a free 3-hour Strategy Workshop where they focused on various aspects of growing small businesses in South Africa.
Afriversity Cape Town, is a not-for-profit organization, founded to train, support and provide incubation for promising Entrepreneurs.
The workshop focused on questions like:
1. What will your business look like 3 years from now.
2. What will you be doing to grow your business.
3. Do you have a clearly defined strategy to ensure growth and success or are you "flying blind" like so many business owners today?
4. Do you own your business or does the business own you?
The workshop was held at the TSiBA Entrepreneurship Centre, where 25 Entrepreneurs attended. The purpose of the workshop was to develop and implement new strategies, that ensure growth and sustainability, and to assist the small business owners persist through the current global economic slow down.
The sessions were very interactive, and gaging from the responses we received from the entrepreneurs the workshop came at a critical time, because many of these entrepreneurs are at a crossroads with their businesses.
Here is just a few of the responses we received from the attendees:
1. WOW, this is great stuff we received here today, Thanks ones again for inviting me.
2. My business will greatly benefit from todays workshop, I'm so happy to be invited.
3. I wanted to give up, but after this workshop I have a new focus to grow my business, THANKS SO MUCH!!
4. I've gained such alot of insight today, please have more of these sessions we need this.
The TSiBA Entrepreneurship Centre will stay committed to help entrepreneurs, and will continue to partner with other organizations like Afriversity to give our entrepreneurs the services they need in such a crucial time like these to help them stay afloat.
A big thank you to Brian Adams and his team from Afrivesity for the time they invested to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals!!
For more information on Afriversity go to their website or:
Contact Brian Adams on 021-418-0450
Email: brian @afriversity.org