Thursday, January 1, 2009

Entrepreneurship Blog at TSiBA

I've quit believing in New Year's resolutions a while ago. The usual suspects: lose 10kg, exercise at least 30 minutes a day, win the lottery: they all seem to fade as fast as the fireworks on New Years Day. But I can't seem to give up. So here's a new one for me: start a blog. And what better to blog about than a topic I am passionate about: Entrepreneurship at TSiBA.

The Entrepreneurship Centre has now been running for two full years and we've supported 78 starting businesses in that time. Successes and failures. That's a lot of stories to blog about. (Click here to see a full list).

Help me keep my resolution by commenting on my posts. Want to be a co-author? The more the merrier! Let's get started...


  1. Dear Peter, what an inspiration! I chuckled as I read your list of entreprenuers supported to date - remember the chicken business? You have so many stories to tell and lessons to share. I will be an avid follower - I think that's the techie term - and maybe even a co-author. Leigh

  2. Hi Peter,
    I read about the internet Cafe in Khayelitsha and their Microsoft achievement. I am very proud and have hope for our entrep assignment, with your help. Thobela M

  3. Hey Peter,

    I know many of your New Years resolutions. Bumping into this blog I am convinced that this was the best one you have ever made! I am proud of what you are doing and looking forward to more stories!

    Your daughter,

  4. Thanks for the post. I like your writing style – I’m trying to start a blog myself, I think I might read thru all your posts for some suggestions! Thanks once more.
